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Announcing 2023-2024 Regional Council Representatives

laurie costa
Laurie Costa
July 6, 2023

The USBG National Council of Chapters (NCC) is pleased to announce the new Regional Council Representatives (RCRs) for 2023- 2024! Thank you to the Chapter leaders that participated in this important part of USBG Governance and took the time to prioritize this decision.   
What is the National Council of Chapters (NCC)?

The NCC serves as the advisory body to the Board of Directors on matters that impact USBG Chapters.

USBG Chapters are assigned into five regions across the U.S. - Midwest, Northeast, South, Southwest, and West – and the Chapter leaders of each region collectively form a Regional Council of Chapters with the goal of facilitating chapter-to-chapter support, sharing best practices between chapters, and mediating conflicts that may occur between the volunteerleaders of different chapters within the region.

The NCC is comprised of 15 members who are elected by the Regional Council of Chapters to serve as Regional Council Representatives. Each Regional Council Representative serves a one-year term.

What is the role of a Regional Council Representative (RCR)?

Representatives serve to organize the Chapters of a Region in building a community among its members with a culture and environment that will produce valued relationships.

Regional Council Representative primary responsibilities:

  1. Be knowledgeable about USBG and the Council, including:
    • USBG Vision, Mission, Values and Objectives (Strategic Plan)
    • Council Mission
    • Council Strategic Goal
    • Regional Council Responsibilities
    • Council Membership (Leadership Roster)
  1. Be accessible and provide counsel to chapters on as-needed basis

Meet your 2023-2024 Regional Council Representatives:
*RCRs staying on for another term

Midwest Region


Nancy Hall

Midwest Regional Council


Ariel Neal

Midwest Regional Council




Northeast Region


* Beth Dixon

Northeast Regional Council


 * Geo Thompson

Northeast Regional Council




South Region


* Jennifer O'Blenis

South Regional Council 
New Orleans


* Erika Myers

South Regional Council
Tampa Bay


* Andrew Guerin

South Regional Council
New Orleans

Southwest Region


* David Bunte

Southwest Regional Council Representative


* Jessica Householder

Southwest Regional Council Representative




West Region


Augustina Elizabeth
West Regional Council 


Jason Marshall

West Regional Council


Robert Martinez

West Regional Council
Los Angeles

*Returning Council Representative
Special thanks to our outgoing 2022-2023 Regional Council Representatives, who have made valuable contributions during their terms to the Guild.



Rahsaan Grissom
Midwest Region

Elina Malkin

Midwest Region


Brandon Casey
Southwest Region


Bradley Stephens
West Region


BC Hoffman
West Region


The Governance 3.0 model was implemented for the National Council of Chapters, with the first National Council of Chapters election under the new model taking place in 2019; Three Regional Council Representatives from each of the five USBG regions make up the National Council of Chapters. Elections for annually renewing terms that run from July to June and are held during USBG Regional Conferences.

The new term of office began on July 1, 2023, and we look forward to the continued progress our association will make under the leadership of the 2023 - 2024 National Council of Chapters.


The election process:

One representative per chartered Chapter serves as Elector and records the vote for the chapter. Electors may select no more than three candidates.

The orientation process:

Meet one-on-one:

The new Chair meets with the outgoing Chair to look at the past and plan for the future, using this time to review the past year. This process includes a review any issues that will carry into the new year, what has been completed and other topics. This is also a great time for the incoming Chair to ask questions, take notes, and get a feel for the position.

The meeting is also a great opportunity to plan for the future:

  • Set specific leadership goals (both individual and committee/council)
  • Consider developing a month-by-month planning calendar of what to do and when (used in conjunction with the work plan)
  • Review budget for upcoming expenses and review last year’s budget (if applicable)

The transition process:

A Chair Transition Report Template will be completed. Committee & Council Chairs should also consider a written report to serve as a supplementary resource for planning in the new officer’s term.


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