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During the week of October 2-8, 2022, 27+ USBG chapters around the country took part in the 6th annual USBG National Education Week. With an estimated 150+ educational hours provided to USBG members, the hard work and creativity each chapter put into investing in our members’ professional and personal education was extraordinary. USBG chapters held dozens of events on topics ranging from bar techniques, various spirit categories, ice, garnishes, yoga, financial advice, bar management, consulting work… and the list goes on!
Kudos to the following chapters for their participation in Education Week:
National Education Week is an initiative of the USBG National Education Committee to showcase the educational opportunities that our chapters execute around the country while supporting the USBG’s mission to provide ongoing professional development and learning for its members!
As outlined in the ChOps manual, it is recommended that each chapter host three educational seminars and one hands-on educational lab as as part of their participation during the week. Our 2022 Education Week Chair was @Bradley Stephens ( USBG Oregon).
We will begin planning for Education Week 2023 soon and will ask chapters to nominate a chapter lead and submit a coordination form shortly thereafter. If you’re interested in helping plan for the next Education Week, reach out to your local chapter leaders or contact the National Education Committee by emailing edcom@usbg.org.
A few highlights from #USBGedweek 2022…