A lover of nicknames, the “Organizer of Chaos,” the “Whiskey Fairy,” and even “Great Big Mother Hen,” Ingrid hid her magnificence deep in the restoration construction industry for the last 19 years. Finally, this social butterfly came out of her cocoon, blossoming into an all-around creator of whiskey dreams. Ingrid is still the Owner and General Contractor of Ingrid Shawn Corporation, an interior/exterior residential construction company in South Florida and in her other life say as the Chair Extraordinaire of the USBG Tampa Bay Repeal Day Conference, a 5-day conference celebrating the Repeal of the 18th Prohibition Amendment for 7years;
She is currently the Southeast Steward of the Brand for WhistlePig Rye Whiskey and the proud Meowma of 4 beautiful kittens – Samantha, Buddy, Baby Mama and Snickelfritz.
In her free time she likes to take pictures of sunsets, rain clouds, and her skittens.